Templates do Sakato

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Templates do Sakato Empty Templates do Sakato

Mensagem por Sakato Muribashi 23/12/2015, 10:38

Local destinado aos meus testes de templates. Evite postar nesse tópico Templates do Sakato 911699207
Sakato Muribashi
Sakato Muribashi

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Templates do Sakato Empty Re: Templates do Sakato

Mensagem por Sakato Muribashi 23/12/2015, 10:44

O começo!

Don’t tell me why i see you when i close my eyes dont tell me boy you are smiling, we are laughing don’t tell me why i’m crying when i open my eyes don’t tell me boy we were together… I turn the tv on in the morning take a shower and get ready to go out Just putting some clothes on today is just like yesterday nothing has changed why am i… I look at the phone ringing for no reason tears fall down again unwillingly why are you again… why are you shaking my heart again like it’s nothing

Actually i miss you so much i miss you i want to cry on your shoulders i want to cry i’m smiling trying to endure i still haven’t made up my mind yet please, don’t be good to me stop being too good to me Don’t be good to me, i have a heartache stop showing up in my gaze, i keep thinking of you i’m too weak so i can only picture you i draw you again while erasing the picture again, too sweet so you make me go crazy you put me in pain so i go even crazier don’t be too good don’t show yourself to me I look at the phone ringing for no reason tears fall down again unwillingly why are you again why are you shaking my heart again like it’s nothing

Actually i miss you so much i miss you i want to cry on your shoulders i want to cry i’m smiling trying to endure i still haven’t made up my mind yet please, don’t be good to me stop being too good to me don’t tell me why don’t be good to me, my heartaches don’t tell me boy don’t be good to me i’m trying to erase you from my heart like this but it’s not happening like i planned it to be

Actually i miss you so much i miss you i want to cry on your shoulders i want to cry i’m smiling trying to endure still haven’t made up my mind yet please, don’t be good to me stop being too good to me today is the same as yesterday nothing has changed..but why am i.. Don’t tell me why i see you when i close my eyes dont tell me boy you are smiling, we are laughing don’t tell me why i’m crying when i open my eyes don’t tell me boy we were together… I turn the tv on in the morning take a shower and get ready to go out Just putting some clothes on today is just like yesterday nothing has changed why am i… I look at the phone ringing for no reason tears fall down again unwillingly why are you again… why are you shaking my heart again like it’s nothing

Actually i miss you so much i miss you i want to cry on your shoulders i want to cry i’m smiling trying to endure i still haven’t made up my mind yet please, don’t be good to me stop being too good to me Don’t be good to me, i have a heartache stop showing up in my gaze, i keep thinking of you i’m too weak so i can only picture you i draw you again while erasing the picture again, too sweet so you make me go crazy you put me in pain so i go even crazier don’t be too good don’t show yourself to me I look at the phone ringing for no reason tears fall down again unwillingly why are you again why are you shaking my heart again like it’s nothing

Actually i miss you so much i miss you i want to cry on your shoulders i want to cry i’m smiling trying to endure i still haven’t made up my mind yet please, don’t be good to me stop being too good to me don’t tell me why don’t be good to me, my heartaches don’t tell me boy don’t be good to me i’m trying to erase you from my heart like this but it’s not happening like i planned it to be

Actually i miss you so much i miss you i want to cry on your shoulders i want to cry i’m smiling trying to endure still haven’t made up my mind yet please, don’t be good to me stop being too good to me today is the same as yesterday nothing has changed..but why am i..
Sakato Muribashi
Sakato Muribashi

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Templates do Sakato Empty Re: Templates do Sakato

Mensagem por Sakato Muribashi 26/12/2015, 15:38

São panquecas, panquecas de toucinho, põe o bacon na panqueca direitinho! São panquecas, panquecas de toucinho, põe o bacon na panqueca direitinho! São panquecas, panquecas de toucinho, põe o bacon na panqueca direitinho! São panquecas, panquecas de toucinho, põe o bacon na panqueca direitinho!

Cupcake Graphics / Pancakes ♪♫

Sakato Muribashi
Sakato Muribashi

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Templates do Sakato Empty Re: Templates do Sakato

Mensagem por Sakato Muribashi 26/12/2015, 15:48

Nam Deum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ultricies vulputate dolor, a commodo elit commodo nec. Morbi nec dui vel tortor congue fermentum. Vestibulum scelerisque felis quis orci pharetra, at pulvinar mauris lacinia. Cras vitae neque semper, blandit lorem vel, rhoncus enim. In posuere, est sit amet tempus malesuada, nisl augue vehicula lorem, a malesuada ligula arcu eu justo. Donec sit amet tortor quis risus lobortis hendrerit eu a tortor. Vestibulum ullamcorper luctus risus, a tristique dolor pellentesque vel. Curabitur sodales viverra urna, nec eleifend mauris porta ac. Fusce sed interdum lectus, sed ullamcorper arcu. Sed eu est diam. Nunc non mattis magna, sed ornare nisl. Vivamus sed pharetra urna. Donec pretium mi at sodales aliquam. Nam vehicula, sem a dapibus venenatis, mi libero condimentum elit, non tempus nunc risus vel orci. Integer ut quam a arcu bibendum consequat.

Curabitur scelerisque, ligula nec aliquam tempor, ipsum neque adipiscing felis, ut tincidunt neque mauris quis velit. Nunc vel erat nec tortor eleifend consectetur. Aliquam non ipsum erat. Sed pretium ac nisi non pretium. Proin sit amet elementum turpis. Vivamus sollicitudin, sapien quis adipiscing egestas, dolor odio auctor elit, quis lacinia massa mauris sit amet lacus. Suspendisse eu lacus et magna pharetra adipiscing in sed arcu. Suspendisse commodo pharetra sodales. Sed viverra id lacus ut rhoncus. In commodo id nulla egestas consectetur. Integer quis placerat nibh, non commodo mi. Cras fringilla quam non tristique consectetur. Phasellus non dapibus nunc.

Curabitur eu lectus eu libero malesuada dapibus. Mauris interdum sodales porttitor. Donec elementum egestas fermentum. Duis vitae dolor ac lorem bibendum auctor. Ut laoreet sagittis augue sed rhoncus. Pellentesque sit amet laoreet elit. Pellentesque et felis ligula. Integer ultrices rutrum lacinia. Quisque congue mauris et augue interdum facilisis. Proin nec vehicula dolor, eu tincidunt lacus. Aenean at tellus porta, bibendum nulla id, accumsan ipsum. Aenean vitae sollicitudin tellus, non commodo lorem. Nulla congue quam nulla, vitae pretium mi tincidunt vel. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed luctus, mauris in congue feugiat, sapien justo commodo sapien, a lobortis turpis nibh non metus.

Nunc imperdiet urna quis erat viverra placerat. Pellentesque at velit nec nibh porttitor tincidunt eu vel lacus. Donec mi turpis, molestie a euismod in, auctor bibendum diam. Morbi adipiscing laoreet nunc non lobortis. Vestibulum non condimentum erat, et sagittis magna. Morbi ullamcorper elit sed porta eleifend. Fusce eget ultricies libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in egestas est. Pellentesque pellentesque nulla ac augue semper faucibus quis at augue. Proin quis massa sed sapien mollis tristique non vitae lacus. In faucibus sapien a arcu suscipit sollicitudin. Etiam lorem massa, pulvinar placerat erat ac, dictum porttitor velit. Vestibulum sed euismod diam, at posuere purus.

Nunc quis ullamcorper turpis, a varius nisi. Sed pulvinar, nibh id ornare tempus, ante velit sollicitudin ante, ut tempus felis nisi vitae metus. Quisque et erat eu justo volutpat vulputate ut feugiat augue. Ut vel iaculis lorem. Integer quis turpis nunc. Nunc venenatis, risus quis scelerisque dapibus, odio est porttitor diam, et posuere tellus metus vitae est. Vestibulum tempus mi nec est convallis iaculis. Nam semper dictum ante sed dictum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent sit amet suscipit libero, et pellentesque sapien. Nulla luctus tempor sem, at luctus sapien pretium eu. Praesent urna mauris, blandit eu diam ut, placerat viverra dolor. Morbi rhoncus commodo ultricies. Cras id mauris vel neque euismod volutpat. Vestibulum at felis magna.
Sakato Muribashi
Sakato Muribashi

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